Tagged: retention

Motivating Teachers in Challenging Times

Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn have advice that can help school leaders stay attuned to today’s constantly changing school environment, recognize the stress of external factors, and use strategies that encourage teachers’ intrinsic motivation and sense of self-efficacy.

Supporting Long-Term Understanding of Math

In Making Math Stick, David Costello offers advice to help teachers make the shift from “teach, test, move on” to “teach, connect, apply.” His detailed learning and instructional strategies will help you deepen student knowledge and improve retention, writes Lisa Hudson.

Shared Reading Needs to Have a Clear Purpose

Shared reading has the potential to be a useful vehicle for learning IF it’s implemented effectively. Literacy consultant Sarah Tantillo looks at the benefits and drawbacks of investing time in two students reading together and suggests strategies to increase retention and communication skills.

Making Every Student an Active Learner

The research-based Total Participation Techniques found in the second edition of the Himmele’s popular ASCD book can help boost student engagement and participation, and their retention of information, in just about any content area, says veteran educator Joanne Bell.