Tagged: standardized testing

What REALLY Matters During Testing Season

Spring arrives a day early this year, and testing season won’t be far behind. No matter a teacher’s opinion of standardized testing, most will be engulfed in the annual ritual soon. Curtis Chandler distills strategies to help teachers and students cope successfully.

Optimize ‘Wasted Time’ on Annual Testing Days

Every year, writes teacher leader Jennifer Smith, schools “muddle through” standardized testing days trying to design schedules that take less time away from productive learning. Her 5th grade team tried a fresh approach that both engaged and energized test-weary kids.

PARCC Prep: Failure Can Help Us Focus

Initial failures can produce big breakthroughs, as ELA consultant Sarah Tantillo found when students she was supporting failed to translate PARCC practice prompts into viable essays. Check out the tools Tantillo, teachers & tutors used to solve the problem.