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Six Ways to Include AI in Your STEM Projects

Authentic STEM projects integrate technology seamlessly, so that it plays a genuine role in helping students research, solve and communicate the results of their challenge. STEM expert Anne Jolly suggests ways to include artificial intelligence tools in the learning process.

No Phones?! Now What? Catching Kids’ Attention

It’s not enough to take the phones away, writes educator Tom Rademacher. Schools need to make sure there are energizing, collaborative, challenging things to do. “We need to change what it feels like to be in school and make it easy – or easier – for students to not-phone.”

Media Literacy Moments Throughout Your Day

Concerned by the News Literacy Project’s survey revealing teens’ difficulties in separating fact and fiction, Megan Kelly is finding as many classroom minutes as possible to build her students’ media literacy skills. She shares some quick activities her classes like best.

Inspiring Understanding Using Personal Stories

Exploring human experiences through personal stories promotes discussions that focus on facts and individual realities rather than generalizations and stereotypes and helps students develop empathy, compassion and understanding, writes Kasey Short. Reading suggestions included!

Reframing the Focus Away from Language ‘Correction’

Rather than despairing over grammar mistakes in their corrected papers, Jason DeHart suggests students can succeed in ELA by noting the varieties of sentences, talking about their impact on the narrative, and describing the feelings and actions these stylistic choices evoke.