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Vision Boards Help Us Reignite Career Goals

If you know your ‘why’ as a teacher, you can parlay that knowledge into a set of directions that motivate your daily work. Kelly Owens shares how career vision boards can play a significant role in that process. Included: Ideas to help students create their own vision boards.

A Collaborative Math Classroom that Works

Elisa Waingort-Jiménez strongly recommends The Collaborative Math Classroom with its many tools as a must-read for all teachers, coaches, interventionists and others interested in creating and supporting spaces for authentic math learning experiences for all ages and grade levels.

How Students Learn to Be Generous Listeners

As they develop the habit of listening generously, middle schoolers can learn to see themselves as people with the capacity to teach and learn from each other. Teacher Laurie Hornik describes the elements of Generous Listening and strategies to develop the skill with students.

Sweet Funny Presents Our Students Give Us

When Stephanie Farley asked fellow teachers how they felt about the presents they receive from students each year, she found that “while they roundly appreciate all of them, it’s clear they cherish the heartfelt notes, the student art, and the homemade or hand-crafted gifts.”

Using Flexible Seating to Transform Learning

Whether it’s standing desks, beanbags or low tables, flexible seating helps students feel more comfortable, engaged, and in control of their own learning. Kathie Palmieri shares research showing how flexible seating can meet physical, social, and cognitive needs of students.

Six Ways to Include AI in Your STEM Projects

Authentic STEM projects integrate technology seamlessly, so that it plays a genuine role in helping students research, solve and communicate the results of their challenge. STEM expert Anne Jolly suggests ways to include artificial intelligence tools in the learning process.

No Phones?! Now What? Catching Kids’ Attention

It’s not enough to take the phones away, writes educator Tom Rademacher. Schools need to make sure there are energizing, collaborative, challenging things to do. “We need to change what it feels like to be in school and make it easy – or easier – for students to not-phone.”

Media Literacy Moments Throughout Your Day

Concerned by the News Literacy Project’s survey revealing teens’ difficulties in separating fact and fiction, Megan Kelly is finding as many classroom minutes as possible to build her students’ media literacy skills. She shares some quick activities her classes like best.