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For the term "VIPREG2024 promo code for 1xbet 2024 Guatemala".

Help Readers Discover What a Text Is Hiding

In her 3rd article offering questions to help grow critical readers, Marilyn Pryle says we must help students examine what a text is HIDING. “To navigate the information that bombards them outside of school, students must have the skills to detect the bias, lie, or hidden intention.”

100-Word Stories to Support SLIFE Literacy

100-Word Stories is a valuable resource, providing a structured yet flexible framework that serves as a tool to enrich language instruction and a catalyst for exploration and creative expression in the classroom. It will be especially valuable to her SLIFE learners, writes Melinda Stewart.

How to Create a Co-Teaching Power Zone

To avoid experiencing co-teaching within an imbalanced power relationship, author, NBCT and co-teaching coach Elizabeth Stein shares a process that strengthens co-teaching through a dynamic exchange of individual and collective power – truly in partnership with one another.

Engage All Students with Offbeat Math Problems

“Try It! Math Problems for All” by Jerry Kaplan is just what math teachers want: a collection of offbeat, open-ended problems, riddles and brain teasers to engage the most reluctant student. Math teacher Michael Hernandez can’t wait to lure in his middle schoolers this fall.

Start 24/25 with Super Ideas from MiddleWeb

Who will be coming in your door this fall? Upper elementary? Slightly older kids who sometimes feel childish and at other times want to be treated as adults? Here are MiddleWeb’s back-to-school strategies from educators that can help make all of your new students feel welcome!

How Reader’s Theater Builds Reading Fluency

“Build Reading Fluency: Practice and Performance with Reader’s Theater and More” by Timothy Rasinski and Chase Young is a great resource to connect reading instruction, assessment and joy by sharing both the research and the practice, writes educator Claire Stein.