11 Search results

For the term "waingort".

A Collaborative Math Classroom that Works

Elisa Waingort-Jiménez strongly recommends The Collaborative Math Classroom with its many tools as a must-read for all teachers, coaches, interventionists and others interested in creating and supporting spaces for authentic math learning experiences for all ages and grade levels.

Deepen Learning with Movement and More

In “Activate: Deeper Learning Through Movement, Talk, and Flexible Classrooms” Katherine Mills Hernandez shows how we can be strategic and novel in our use of movement to support student learning. Elisa Waingort says the book is an important contribution to teacher PD.

How to Help Students Own Their Learning

Every time Elisa Waingort opens Leaders of Their Own Learning, she finds another simple but brilliant suggestion to improve her teaching and the learning of her students. She recommends repeated reading of this fully resourced guide to student-driven learning and assessment.

An Engaging Framework for Teaching Genres

Genre Connections provides teachers with “concrete” advice for helping kids discover different genres in a variety of ways. Tanny McGregor’s suggestions for using art and music are particularly helpful, says reviewer Elisa Waingort.

Independent Reading Can Boost Learning

Students benefit from reading independently if specific conditions are in place. In No More Independent Reading Without Support Debbie Miller and Barbara Moss share research-based strategies to enhance classroom practice and student learning.