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SEL Reading & Reflection for Gifted Students

Author Thomas HΓ©bert recommends K-12 books he believes can help gifted students develop SEL skills. Vignettes from six classrooms demonstrate ways to use text selections effectively. Reviewer Amy Estersohn found the book’s appendix of 160+ suggested texts most valuable.

5 Ways to Be Sure That Lessons Stick in Memory

What makes our lessons memorable? Looking into semantic, episodic, emotional, procedural and automatic memory, teaching consultant Marilee Sprenger shares ways to engage students’ long-term storage systems so that memories take hold. Start with visuals and play based learning!

Learning to Teach with AI a Small Bite at a Time

If you are an educator trying to explore what AI can do without becoming overwhelmed, edtech expert Shawn McCusker recommends you start small. Jot down some questions or topics to explore. These might include academic integrity, lesson design, or how AI can save precious time.

4 Reasons for Optimism About Public Education

Williamson and Blackburn highlight four good reasons to be optimistic about the future of America’s public schools. Community approval is the highest in nearly 50 years; teachers are better prepared for the future, and the resilience of public educators remains remarkable.

Help Underrepresented Gifted Students Succeed

Editors Davis and Douglas have organized a valuable research-based collection of articles by field-based practitioners of gifted education, writes teacher Erin Corrigan-Smith. A major focus: instructional methods that address the under-representation of minority and twice-exceptional students.

Dive into Summer PD – and Lots More!

Whether summer means it’s time to relax, bolster your professional know-how, improve your bank balance, or reconsider your profession, we have suggestions from your educator colleagues and other sources that can help. Plan now!

Hands-On Math Helps Keep Students Engaged

Whether your school year ends in May or you teach into the hot days of June, student engagement begins to fade. How do we liven things up? For math class, NBCT Kathie Palmieri recommends a pair of hands-on geometry activities that sparked curiosity and excitement as summer beckons.

5 Metacognitive Tools to Reveal Hidden Learning

Curious about what students may have learned this year that traditional assessment may not uncover? Deep learning expert Dr. Karin Hess shares five activities and explains how two key elements of learning – metacognition and reflection – can team up to reveal hidden understanding.