499 Search results

For the term "Offers".

Empower Students to Become Lifelong Readers

Authentic Literacy Instruction cuts through the literacy fog and all the opposing claims about reading instruction to present practical, actionable techniques teachers can use with any curriculum in grades 6-12, says ELA/reading teacher Erin Corrigan-Smith.

Graphic Novels: Paired or Primary Reads?

Do graphic novels get to stand on their own, or should they be paired with additional texts? ELA teacher Jason DeHart explores that question and concludes (no surprise) that the answer is both. See his suggestions for paired titles that will appeal to middle grades readers.

Team Leader Moves That Impact Adult Learning

Intentional Moves: How Skillful Team Leaders Impact Learning is a treasure for any educator who coaches, is a team leader, an administrator or spends a significant amount of their time working with professional colleagues, writes adult learning consultant Cathy Gassenheimer.

Matching Digital Tools to a Range of STEM Skills

As the world becomes increasingly digital, teachers want their STEM students to be comfortable using technology and digital tools skillfully and with purpose. STEM curriculum expert Anne Jolly identifies five specific STEM skill sets and relates them to dozens of current apps.

Trauma-Informed Support for Grieving Students

Brittany Collins, the founder of Grief-Responsive Teaching, has taken her own personal experience as a grieving student and skillfully woven it together with knowledge of pedagogical practices and extensive research on navigating loss. For all educators, writes Sara Coppola.

The Keys to Shaping Your School’s Reputation

Leadership consultants Ronald Williamson and Barbara R. Blackburn identify the essentials in shaping a school’s reputation and suggest ways the principal, teachers and staff can assure their school has a positive image among students and families and in the community at large.

Revamp Book Clubs to Deepen Comprehension

Sara Kugler’s Better Book Clubs offers teachers a valuable resource that supports authenticity and independence in book clubs, helping students deepen comprehension and elevate their conversation. Anne Anderson outlines the book’s take on scaffolding, grouping, and more.

ThinkLaw Strategies Can Grow Critical Thinkers

Find out how adopting a lawyer mindset can help all students develop critical thinking skills and dispositions in Thinking Like a Lawyer by Colin Seale. NBCT Kim Rensch likes that the book is a quick read and offers reasonable ways to integrate thinking skills with curricula.

Engage Students Using Positive Psychology

Intentionally introducing humor, curiosity, enthusiasm, and optimism into each class is a low-tech, high-impact method to build resilience and attention. Stephanie Farley shares ways she’s engaged middle schoolers with elements like (live!) rolling mice and kid-made symbols.

A Poetry Resource Sure to Engage Students

Linda Rief’s Whispering in the Wind shows how poetry helps us listen to the voices of others and allows us to share our voices. She offers practical advice, concrete examples, and specific resources to expand the teaching of poetry by creating “Heart Books,” writes ELA teacher Kasey Short.