36 Search results

For the term "matt renwick".

Leading Genius Hour with 2 Middle Schoolers

When his two middle schoolers wondered about a tree house, principal Matt Renwick’s bright idea was to engage them in an at-home Genius Hour project. His three take-aways from the experience can help us understand the teacher’s role in creative learning and risk-taking.

Use Digital Portfolios to Showcase Student Work

In Digital Portfolios in the Classroom, personal anecdotes, discussions of technological tools, and interviews with educators who use a portfolio system provide a multifaceted picture of the benefits and possibilities of this student-centered approach to assessment.

Leadership Strategies That Get Results

In High-Payoff Strategies, Jody Spiro promises a toolkit of strategies and templates for school leaders to facilitate change. Principal Matt Renwick says Spiro tackles too many agendas in the brief book but thinks readers can pull out some useful ideas, including a culture scan.

Digital Student Portfolios Show What Kids Can Do

Digital student portfolios have tremendous potential, writes author and principal Matt Renwick, from organizing passion projects to promoting student-led assessment. They can be the main method for students to document their own learning and demonstrate what they can do.

Leading with Focus Will Improve Schools

Emphasizing content-rich curriculum, traditional literacy activities, and soundly structured lessons, Mike Schmoker’s “Leading with Focus” provides a guide for teacher leaders, principals, and others that can improve student achievement, says principal Matt Renwick.

“The Together Leader” Gets a Real Road Test

Veteran principal Matt Renwick discovers it’s not too late to become a more organized and effective school leader as he gives the step-by-step advice in Maia Heyck-Merlin’s “The Together Leader: Get Organized for Your Success and Sanity!” a real road test.

Writing: How We Can Achieve a State of Flow

Writing flow, says author and principal Matt Renwick, is achieved through the habits one builds by regularly participating in the experience. He offers suggestions on how teacher and student writers can establish writing rhythms and find flow in their craft.

Managing Learning in the Active Classroom

Management in the Active Classroom is a unique behavior-oriented resource. Few other books offer specific strategies that help the teacher provide structure while still honoring the dignity of every student. Jodi and Matt Renwick recommend it for every school.