272 Search results

For the term "VIPREG2024 promo code for 1xbet registration Botswana".

An Inspiring Quote for Every Day of the Year

365 Quotes for Teachers: Inspiration and Motivation for Every Day of the Year does what author and principal Danny Steele intends – motivates, challenges, and helps keep the job in perspective. Reviewer Anne Anderson suggests ways to use the book and offers some samples.

Flipping over Flippity: Flashcards and More

Kathie Palmieri likes the free teacher-owned Flippity site, offering engaging teaching tools in all subject areas. She shows how to easily create multimedia flashcards, involve classes in randomly choosing partners, and make interactive spelling lists tailored to students.

Resources for Teaching 9/11’s 20th Anniversary

Twenty years after the 9/11 attacks, it’s essential to teach students about the lives lost, the heroes who helped, and the Islamophobia that followed. To examine 9/11’s legacy and impact, middle grades teacher Kasey Short recommends key online resources and four YA novels.

Empowering Our Kids to Motivate Themselves

Because motivation is intrinsic, the two words Debbie Silver finds essential are ‘Empower Them.’ The teaching coach and bestselling author shares ways to help students grow into self-directed learners, using constructive feedback as the tool to help them see their growth.