23 Search results

For the term "farley".

A Teacher’s Journey: ‘Student, Grade Thyself’

For much of her career, middle level teacher Stephanie Farley felt confounded when students “told me they didn’t understand where their grades came from.” Then her principal set her on a path of discovery that’s led to competency based learning and students eagerly self-grading.

Creating Rubrics That Foster Student Growth

Teacher and coach Stephanie Farley discovered through trial and refinement that a good rubric is “a tool to provide feedback to kids about their progress toward mastery of a learning target.” See her five backward planning steps and the resulting three-part writing rubric.

All About Rubrics: A MiddleWeb Resource

In this Resource Roundup we’ve pulled together a selection of classic and contemporary resources about the effective use of rubrics in the classroom. Follow the links and discover many examples of rubrics, devised for a variety of purposes.