744 Search results

For the term "www.hdwgs.fun".

Boosting Comprehension Across Subject Areas

Comprehension is a concern in every content area. If a student cannot comprehend the material, whether it’s words or images, they cannot meet learning goals. Teaching coach Barbara R. Blackburn offers some simple strategies that can help you scaffold comprehension for your students.

Teacher Mindfulness Leads to Wellness

For educators, wellness extends beyond physical self-care; it also involves self-awareness, respect and kindness. NBCT Kathleen Palmieri shares guidelines that remind us to put boundaries in place and incorporate physical and emotional wellness into the new school year.

Changing Harmful Beliefs about Math Education

Delving into commonly held beliefs about learning math and discussing productive struggle and growth mindset are central to Lidia Gonzalez’s Bad at Math?, a thoughtful look into what can be done to make math accessible to all students, writes math teacher Kathleen Palmieri.

26 Tips for Beginning Teachers, from A to Z

Teaching guru Barbara R. Blackburn returns to her roots in the classroom to give new teachers a list of quick tips – 26, one for each letter of the alphabet – all ideas that will help newbies launch and navigate their journeys. Included: her list of links to essential resource websites.

2 Questions Help Move Kids Deeper into Texts

While questions about literature can focus on identifying elements, Jason DeHart wants to expand his students’ thinking beyond matching words and examples. He begins with two questions designed to move students deeper into a text: “What’s that?” and “What’s that doing there?”

How to Create a Co-Teaching Power Zone

To avoid experiencing co-teaching within an imbalanced power relationship, author, NBCT and co-teaching coach Elizabeth Stein shares a process that strengthens co-teaching through a dynamic exchange of individual and collective power – truly in partnership with one another.

Engage All Students with Offbeat Math Problems

“Try It! Math Problems for All” by Jerry Kaplan is just what math teachers want: a collection of offbeat, open-ended problems, riddles and brain teasers to engage the most reluctant student. Math teacher Michael Hernandez can’t wait to lure in his middle schoolers this fall.