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For the term "B Ονομάστηκε Ladder Pick{WWW,RT33,TOP}κώδικαςb77}τοποθεσία για γουλιά‣ποδοσφαιρικό bugayޛΣεβίλλη FCȀπιθανότητες τουρνουά ποδοσφαίρουĊπόκερ κρατήστε τουςǑΘύελλα ΣιάτλॣΕθνική ομάδα Σεν Πιερ και Μικελόνດποδόσφαιρο των Σεϋχελλών̪.tlo/".

Helping Middle Graders Master Nonfiction Texts

With this volume of their Jacob’s Ladder program Joyce VanTassel-Baskel and Tamra Stambaugh have devised a way to garner the most impact from nonfiction mini-lessons while allowing for flexibility and choice within the texts, says educator Erin Corrigan-Smith.

Build STEM Skills Now: Try Citizen Science!

Count on it, writes STEM educator Anne Jolly, spring is almost here and your students’ energy and concentration are about to start slipping. Nice weather and seasonal events interfere with lesson continuity. How can you snag your kids’ interest again? Citizen science!

3 Meaningful Ways to Boost Your Word Study

When it comes to learning new words, a few minutes goes a long way, says author-consultant Pam Koutrakos. Teachers can jump-start word study at any point in the year. Use her “cycle” strategy to fit vocab into the daily lesson flow and build students’ curiosity about words.

How to Make Sure Your Word Study Sticks

If literacy coach Pam Hamilton had to choose one word to describe Word Study That Sticks, a book about words, she would select “fabulous”! Hamilton finds it is also practical, teacher-friendly, and colorful with lessons and activities across content areas.

10 Genius Picture Books for Genius Hour Kids

Picture books make for great hooks at the beginning of lessons – capturing our attention and get us curious for the learning to come. They can also be perfect tools for introducing Genius Hour concepts. GH evangelists Gallit Zvi and Denise Krebs choose 10 favorites.

Game Changer! Assuring Book Access for All Kids

Donalyn Miller and Colby Sharp make the case for dedicated independent reading time and choice in books for all students in all schools – and they push back hard against narrow reading spectrums and the misuse of book leveling, writes 6th grade teacher Kevin Hodgson.

Sustainable Self-Care for Funny Educator People

How do teachers recharge regularly? Rather than mediation and exercise, Rita Platt finds what works for her is getting a daily dose of “gut-busting laughter.” And guess what? Laughing as self-care is a scientifically proven strategy! She offers laugh inducing resources.

Teaching Climate Change in the Middle Grades

Facilitating science-based research around real world problems empowers students through the skills they acquire and the subject knowledge they gain, says teacher Angela Duke. And what better topic than climate change? “The environment of the future will be theirs to live in.”