499 Search results

For the term "Offers".

Teaching Chemistry with More Voice and Choice

Differentiating Instruction with Menus is great for encouraging middle level students’ voice and choice and allows teachers without a strong science background to feel more comfortable with the content (especially chemistry), writes science teacher-coach Emily Lane.

Working Hard, Working Happy in the Classroom

Who needs Working Hard, Working Happy? Happy teachers! They will feel validated when they recognize many favorite practices. Unhappy teachers! They can nurture a culture of joy in their classrooms with the practical strategies Rita Platt offers, writes Anne Anderson.

3 Keys to Keeping the Rigor High for ELs

ELs are capable of doing the same kind of thinking that non-ELs can do. They might just have to temporarily show their understanding differently than their peers do. EL teacher Tan Huyhn shows how teachers can focus on the ELs’ thinking and differentiate everything else.

Using Arts Integration to Spark Engagement

Finding techniques to engage students in the learning process is critical for school success. Engaging Creative Minds, a city-based non-profit, facilitates teamwork among artists, scientists and teachers to create lessons that target challenging academics in lively ways.

Writing Workshop for 21st Century Students

Class environment, student attitude toward writing, student choice, and teachers who write with kids are overarching themes that help to make Welcome to Writing Workshop a good resource for creating a productive writing program, says 5th grade teacher Kathleen Palmieri.

Develop Habits of Mind in Young Scientists

Thinking Like a Scientist provides strategies to encourage students to explore and understand how scientists approach problems, investigations and research. The detailed lessons can be used in grades 5-8, writes educator and former research scientist Laura Von Staden.