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Quick Surveys Can Help Us Teach and Lead

Using homemade surveys can help you become a better teacher and leader. They can boost our understanding of student, parent and staff perspectives on issues that impact teaching and learning. Principal and NBCT Rita Platt shares ways she uses them – with tips and resources.

Basing STEM Lessons on Real Life Disasters

As kids around the world face natural disasters and a pandemic, teachers can help them develop a sense of agency as they develop specific STEM skills by exploring a local or global engineering challenge. Anne Jolly has ideas and resources, including a viable Covid mask.

Personal Connections. Essential Standards.

In a school year when frustration, fatigue and uncertainty make teaching and learning an unprecedented challenge, principal Rita Platt is leading her staff to focus on two top priorities: (1) limit instruction to essential standards, and (2) build personal connections with EVERY student.

7 Skills Students Need for Distance Learning

Middle grades kids are returning to school from many different developmental places. Distance learning this fall will demand skills students will need to learn effectively but mostly don’t have yet. School leader Jody Passanisi shares strategies to build 7 essential skills.