Tagged: Kasey Short

Try Nonfiction Graphic Novels to Engage Kids

Be ready to share nonfiction graphic novels with your students this fall. ELA teacher Kasey Short outlines reasons such novels expand kids’ knowledge and appreciation of reading. She also provides questions to ask as kids approach the novels and includes suggested titles.

27 Tips to Boost Kids’ Reading This Summer

To help kids capture the benefits of summer reading, ELA educator Kasey Short shares what you can do before summer break begins: communicate with families, motivate readers, provide book choices, increase access to books, and link students to public library summer programs.

Engaging Students in Middle School Theater

At Kasey Short’s middle school, drama teacher Aaron Mize brings students together to experience the creation and the performance of theater. See step-by-step how the middle graders put together shadow puppetry, monologues, workshop-improv scenes, song in a box, and plays.

Novels in Verse! The Why, Which and How

Novels in verse offer quicker reads with instant character connections, vivid imagery, pathways to complex issues, strong narratives, and much more. ELA teacher Kasey Short shares how to use them in class and introduces lots of titles for your middle graders.

Create a Wellness Fair to Counter Kids’ Stress

Kasey Short shows how your middle grades school can create a Wellness Fair to highlight that stress is normal, showcase that mental health is a priority, and provide students an opportunity to learn and practice a variety of coping skills. And kids will have fun doing it!

Resources for Teaching 9/11’s 20th Anniversary

Twenty years after the 9/11 attacks, it’s essential to teach students about the lives lost, the heroes who helped, and the Islamophobia that followed. To examine 9/11’s legacy and impact, middle grades teacher Kasey Short recommends key online resources and four YA novels.

It’s Pride Month! Books Featuring LGBTQ Teens

In celebration of Pride Month, 8th grade ELA teacher Kasey Short highlights 12 YA books featuring LGBTQIA+ characters who represent diverse identities, sexualities, experiences and families – showing young teens experiences that may be similar to or different from their own.

A Great Summer Break? Kasey Short Has Tips!

In the aftermath of a school year full of challenge and uncertainty, teachers are looking forward to something closer to a normal summer. Middle school teacher Kasey Short shares ways she plans to regroup, relax, and recharge: unplugged, outdoors, by journaling, and more.