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For the term "%E3%80%90%EC%9D%BC%ED%83%88%ED%8F%B0%ED%8C%85%E3%80%91%20WWW-U84-SHOP%20%20%EC%95%88%EC%84%B1%EA%B1%B8%EB%B2%88%EA%B0%9C%ED%8C%85%20%EC%95%88%EC%84%B1%EA%B1%B8%EB%B6%80%ED%82%B9%1A%EC%95%88%EC%84%B1%EA%B1%B8%EB%B6%88%EB%A5%9C%E2%99%80%EC%95%88%EC%84%B1%EA%B1%B8%EB%B9%A0%EB%A5%B8%ED%86%A1%E3%89%B6%E3%82%B3%E8%A1%93quixotism".

Kids Loved Our Tasty Middle School Elective

“And the winner is… Moose on the Loose!” Students cheered and lined up at the ice cream cart for a scoop – a product of collaboration, market research, and community partnerships. Middle school teacher leader Jeny Randall shares the story of a successful business elective.

Developing the “Why” for Middle Grades Math

Math students in the middle grades want the truth: “Why should math matter to me?” To show them, curriculum leader Christian Polizzi suggests making real-world connections, asking students for examples in their own lives, and having them create “personalized” math problems.

More Engaging Ideas for Calendar Celebrations

Anne Anderson has added read-alouds and other picture books to her calendar celebrations – an engaging collection of odd information, birthdays of the famous and not-so-famous, and lesser-known holidays. See the Fantastic Flying Books and other top picks for December, January and February!

Teaching Students When to Abandon a Book

Students choose books with different purposes in mind and learning how to make good choices is an important life skill. But what about making the choice to abandon a book? Lynne Dorfman has teaching tips to share with readers when a book just doesn’t spark their interest.

Help Students Make the Most of Interviews

Similar to reading, listening to what we hear during an interview requires comprehension and the active construction of meaning. Elizabeth Hagan, Lisa Friesen and Sunday Cummins share action research on ways to prepare students to conduct interviews they’ll enjoy and learn from.

Bring Geography to Life by Tracking Hurricanes

Nearly 20 years ago Jennifer Smith began having her fifth grade social studies students track hurricanes as part of their geography unit. Middle grades kids are excited to learn material that impacts their daily lives and spurs a sense of service and empathy for victims.

Leadership Planning for Uncertain Times Ahead

Looking ahead to the new school year, it’s critical that school leaders have comprehensive plans ready for implementation if more large-scale remote learning is required. Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn underscore the need to fully involve parents and teachers in the process.

Fill Your Class Library with Bargain Books

Helping students learn to read and love to read are two of the most important jobs of any teacher in the middle grades. You can’t do either without having robust libraries with books of all types, subjects, and levels. NBCT Rita Platt can help you build your collection.