Teaching and learning in grades 4-8

Leadership Strategies to Build Teacher Morale

“Improving Teacher Morale and Motivation” by Ronald Williamson and Barbara Blackburn provides school leaders with key strategies for directly addressing teacher morale and effectiveness. Systems coach Matt Renwick reflects on three of the book’s valuable principles.

How We Can Become Better Writing Teachers

Anderson and Glover have authored a helpful, easy-to-follow book, writes veteran teacher Elisa Waingort-Jiménez. Their eight strategies center on specific craft and genre moves that will help teachers become better writers as they help students develop their own skills.

Energize Your Teaching by Reframing Perspective

By developing the skill of reframing, teachers can navigate challenges with greater ease, foster a more positive mindset, and build resilience that benefits us and our students. Tools for changing our perspective include pausing, pondering, and persisting, writes Julie Hasson.

The Long & Winding Road to Women’s Rights

Women’s history is no longer in hiding, thanks to scholars who are documenting women’s impact on society. Middle grades teachers can help their students trace that history with these resources, just updated and expanded, for Women’s History Month and beyond.

Involving Kids in a Phone Free Policy that Works

Cooperation among teachers, parents, students, and administration has been key as Katie Durkin’s middle school has adopted a strict phone-free policy this school year. She cites three factors that she believes account for a smooth transition and shares her hopes for the future.