Category: Book Reviews

Professional books reviewed by educators

Math Projects to Engage Gifted Middle Graders

In his collection of six real-world math projects, Mark Hess provides supporting materials and decreases prep time for otherwise complex undertakings, making the book a win for Gr. 4-5 students and teachers. Included: detailed images, student examples, handouts and teacher guides.

Create the School Your Students Deserve

With its tools, approaches and ideas that can work in any school, Turning It Around by Todd Whitaker and award-winning principal Courtney Monterecy is a valuable addition to the literature on school improvement, writes former principal and leadership expert Dr. Ron Williamson.

A Collaborative Math Classroom that Works

Elisa Waingort-Jiménez strongly recommends The Collaborative Math Classroom with its many tools as a must-read for all teachers, coaches, interventionists and others interested in creating and supporting spaces for authentic math learning experiences for all ages and grade levels.

Strategies to Teach and Learn With the World

Going Global in the World Language Classroom advocates for a shift in language instruction from a focus solely on grammar and vocabulary to one that integrates cultural understanding and global awareness, all to foster curiosity, respect and open-mindedness among our learners.

Engagement Strategies for Summer & All Year

Elementary and middle school educators searching for practical, adaptable student engagement strategies that can be implemented immediately will find inspiration in 50 Strategies for Summer School Engagement. A valuable resource for all year long, writes Michael McLaughlin.