568 Search results

For the term "British Airways 📳 1-888-857-2589 ✔ Flight Booking Number".

Nonfiction Strategies To Engage Students

Lori G. Wilfong’s Do This–Not That take on nonfiction can guide teachers as they enhance their repertoire of strategies to help students think deeply and synthesize what they are reading. The activities and action steps make this book a keeper, says Linda Biondi.

History Hook: Ancient Writing on the Walls

Social studies classes are digging into primary sources, learning how to use historians’ methods. Toni Blackwell Rhodes offers medieval and ancient graffiti as an engaging primary source idea in her new book. MS teacher-reviewer Joanne Bell plans to apply the methods to other historical eras.

Virtual Field Trips Spice Up Learning

In today’s budget-conscious and time-stressed schools, virtual field trips are a great way to excite students without leaving the classroom. Teaching expert Barbara Blackburn shares a sample lesson idea and some good places to hunt for relevant field trips.

Short Nonfiction Enlivens the American Revolution

If you need content-rich short nonfiction texts to support social studies lessons, this spiral bound book is for you. “The American Revolution and Constitution” also provides online access to a ‘trove’ of lesson-ready images and resources, says reviewer Linda Biondi.