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Leading Innovative Instructional Change

Because schools are under increased pressure to improve, there’s a tendency to want immediate results from any innovation. Success only comes when schools have clear vision and purpose, full collaboration, and a commitment to monitor and adjust, write Williamson and Blackburn.

Using Flexible Seating to Transform Learning

Whether it’s standing desks, beanbags or low tables, flexible seating helps students feel more comfortable, engaged, and in control of their own learning. Kathie Palmieri shares research showing how flexible seating can meet physical, social, and cognitive needs of students.

How Am I Reacting to the Text I’m Consuming?

Using the simple question “How am I reacting?” NBCT and author Marilyn Pryle shows how she teaches students to observe, identify, and manage their emotions when they encounter any text so that they become not only stronger critical thinkers, but better citizens and human beings.

Vocab and Context Clues Across the Curriculum

Kathie Palmieri has been exploring the significance of vocabulary and the use of context clues to decipher meaning across all the core subject areas. After researching and working with her own students, she shares her findings on the impact of word study on academic success.

Teacher Mindfulness Leads to Wellness

For educators, wellness extends beyond physical self-care; it also involves self-awareness, respect and kindness. NBCT Kathleen Palmieri shares guidelines that remind us to put boundaries in place and incorporate physical and emotional wellness into the new school year.

Changing Harmful Beliefs about Math Education

Delving into commonly held beliefs about learning math and discussing productive struggle and growth mindset are central to Lidia Gonzalez’s Bad at Math?, a thoughtful look into what can be done to make math accessible to all students, writes math teacher Kathleen Palmieri.

How to Create a Co-Teaching Power Zone

To avoid experiencing co-teaching within an imbalanced power relationship, author, NBCT and co-teaching coach Elizabeth Stein shares a process that strengthens co-teaching through a dynamic exchange of individual and collective power – truly in partnership with one another.

New to Teaching Grades 4-6? Try These Ideas

So much to do! As teachers in grades 4-6 enter their first classrooms, Kathleen Palmieri offers keys to getting started. She includes accessing mentors, keeping track of planning, Google tools, engaging students, finding sources for class libraries and décor, and self-care.

Challenging Harmful Beliefs in Math Class

To move toward equitable mathematics education, Dr. Lidia Gonzalez shows how math teachers can help students see beyond harmful beliefs by answering 3 questions: “What is mathematics?”, “What does it mean to be good at math?” and “How do we see our math development over time?”