Category: Working Draft

Teen Life Today: It Sure Is Complicated

In her book about the social life of networked teens, Internet scholar danah boyd “issues a call to all of us who are adults to take more time to understand the shifts now taking place,” 6th grade teacher Kevin Hodgson writes. The guidance role of teachers & parents “has never been more important, nor more complicated.”

My State Gets Writing Support Right

MiddleWeb’s ELA blogger Kevin Hodgson is “almost loathe to admit it,” but offers kudos to his state education officials for creating a meaningful resource to help analyze student writing in the context of both classroom and high stakes assessments.

#Nerdlution showcases virtual collaboration

While teachers often lead a vibrant learning community within their classroom’s four walls, those walls can also be professionally isolating, says 6th grade teacher Kevin Hodgson. “Being part of a larger network…is empowering in ways that is difficult to put into words. Connections make you feel anchored to a movement. Seeking help is a show of strength.” The Nerdy Resolutions (#nerdlution) hashtag community, he says, is a prime example.