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Add the Power of Poetry to All Your ELA Lessons

Kasey Short finds Brett Vogelsinger’s Poetry Pauses “amazing – and a must read” for middle school English teachers. “The book is original, honest, and filled with practical resources” that can help educators integrate poetry into lessons around any ELA topic or standard.

New Teacher Mentoring: Ready for a Work Mom?

Any teacher has vivid memories of their first classroom – some recalled with pride and others with regret. Advice from a caring “work mom” can make all the difference. Veteran mentor Amber Chandler shares how she helps novices through the year with frankness and encouragement.

Use Podcasting to Teach Fluency, Explore Genre

Middle schoolers encounter and process information in ever-changing ways, writes teacher Jason DeHart, who uses podcasting opportunities in his ELA classroom to teach fluency, explore genre, and engage with authors and authentic audiences. Learn about his six-step strategy.

Handling Tragedy and Crisis in the Classroom

Prior to 9/11, Barbara Blackburn’s first choice when crisis and tragedy impacted the classroom was to allow an open discussion. After an inappropriate statement by a student shut down communication, she began to develop more tractable writing strategies, which she shares here.

4 Books Worth the Time of New School Leaders

“I read professional books like movie critics watch films: with a critical lens and respect for my time,” writes veteran principal Matt Renwick. “If I am going to dedicate hours to a text that is supposed to help me improve as an educational leader, it needs to deliver.”

Lesson Planning with AI in My Grade 5 Classroom

Making her first forays into using AI in lesson planning, NBCT Kathleen Palmieri is amazed at ChatGPT’s grade level suggestions based on lesson plan objectives. Follow along as she shows how the chatbot developed math and social studies material attuned to her fifth graders.