Teaching and learning in grades 4-8

The Best-Led Schools Put Communication First

Creating a dynamic communication model so that information flows effectively among the leadership team, faculty and staff, and parents and stakeholders helps nurture a culture and climate of shared leadership where all voices are heard and appreciated, writes AP DeAnna Miller.

100 Affirming Letters from Fellow Educators

Michael McLaughlin reviews Brad Johnson and Hal Bowman’s Thank You, Teacher, a collection of 100 letters written by educators for educators with the aim of uplifting, affirming, and celebrating “the incredible work of our profession.” What could be better for the holiday season?

Let Your Students Figure Out Their Misconceptions

Instead of giving middle graders the right answer after they cling tenaciously to their misconceptions, devise processes that lead them to discover the fallacies on their own. Literacy interventionist Kelly Owens shares some cross-curricular tools and strategies that can help.

Sleigh Bells Ring…Is Anyone Listening?

A librarian introduces Mary Tarashuk’s 4th graders to The Christmas Menorahs: How a Town Fought Hate. Mary builds on the true story, taking its cross cultural message to social studies and ELA, and applies its story of rededication to her own teaching.

How to Boost Learning in the Non-Core Subjects

Every student deserves to be challenged in all areas of learning. Teaching coach Barbara Blackburn shows how rigor can enhance learning beyond the core content areas with examples from health, physical education, computer science, the performance arts and career technology.