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7 Tech Tools for Fast Formative Assessment

Formative assessment is good practice, as every teacher knows, says tech consultant Curtis Chandler, but finding time to measure individual student understanding is challenging. Chandler offers seven apps that can make the practice both routine and engaging.

Hope, Help and Wisdom for Novice Teachers

Although “You Can Do This” is targeted to 1st year teachers, experienced educators & new administrators can also benefit from reading about a novice teacher’s experiences through the lens of an accomplished instructional leader, says reviewer Jason Gordon.

Taking Poetry Writing into Digital Spaces

Using Google Slides for poetry writing proved to be a win-win for Kevin Hodgson and his 6th graders, who tried out various poetic forms, used technology to publish original writing, applied elements of web design, and learned to attribute the work of others.

What School Should Really Be About

It remains unclear to Mary Tarashuk how rampant standardized testing is actually helping her fourth graders become successful and enthusiastic learners. As she prepares for her own evaluation, Mary shares pushback from parents, students, and HBO’s John Oliver.

4 Ways to Motivate Kids to Tackle Complex Text

Seventh grade teacher Kami Spampinato uses four kid-savvy strategies to get her students to “buy in” to reading complex texts. In this post, former MS educator Anne Vilen of Expeditionary Learning summarizes each technique and shares supporting EL videos.

Establishing a Making Space in Your School

Laura Fleming’s Worlds of Making is an excellent guide to establishing a school-based center where students can be involved in creative “maker” activities. From finding space and getting buy-in to building student engagement, this short book has the answers, says reviewer Kevin Hodgson.

Reading Workshop for Web 2.0

Reading Workshop 2.0: Supporting Readers in the Digital Age by Frank Serafini is a useful tool for helping teachers move toward integrating technology into their reading instruction, including plenty of reviewed online resources, says reviewer Laura Von Staden.

Advice for Teachers Itching to Write Fiction

Kate Messner was a veteran middle grades teacher when she began to write books for children and often shared work in progress with students as part her teaching process. This article includes advice from her new book for educators who want to be authors.

My Flipped History Classroom: Year Two

Jody Passanisi’s post on confronting her flipped classroom bias is among MiddleWeb’s most popular articles. A year later, as she reflects on her flipped teaching experiment again, she finds herself “a little less starry-eyed and a little more strategic.”