Tagged: marilyn pryle

Three Fun Activities to Keep Students Writing

Writers get better by writing, says author and ELA teacher Marilyn Pryle. “It’s our job to have students write regularly, genuinely, and with ownership.” She shares three fun writing tasks (including directions, a model and a prewrite activity) that get the job done!

10 Cool Ways to Teach with Word Clouds

Wordl clouds are everywhere, in every color and size. Middle grades teacher and Scholastic author Marilyn Pryle shows 10 ways word clouds made from free generators on the web can be crafted into powerful literacy teaching tools, using the right prompts and directions.

50 Easy-to-Implement Reading Response Ideas

Easy to implement suggestions and detailed reading response lessons make educator Marilyn Pryle’s recent book a helpful addition to the Common Core ELA bookshelf. Reviewer Sandy Wisneski recommends its common-sense resources for modeling, assessing, and practice.

Managing Multiple Writing Conferences

In Part 2 of her article on conferencing with student writers, teacher-author Marilyn Pryle tells how she manages multiple conferences with each student during a class period. The key: give students small manageable tasks they can do on their own.

Writing Conferences: Praise & Focus Critical

In the first of two articles about conferencing with middle grades writers, teacher-author Marilyn Pryle identifies a pair of critical elements that need to be present in early conversations: (1) praise; and (2) a focus on meaning – not grammar.