Welcome to MiddleWeb and the Middle Grades!
MiddleWeb is all about middle school and the middle grades — with a sharp focus on teaching and learning in grades 4-8.
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Each issue includes national middle grades news
and our latest website articles
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Our twice-a-month newsletter featuring
our most popular posts about selected topics
What We Believe
✻ Teachers listen to teachers.
✻ Principals listen to principals.
✻ When there’s enough credibility and trust, teachers and principals listen to each other.
Most of all: Students can be empowered to reach their full learning potential. It’s our mission to provide valuable content that will support teachers to help make that happen. And to make sure it’s all written by educators!
Middle Grades SmartBrief
As part of the MiddleWeb experience, we have a long-standing partnership with the SmartBrief Education news team to produce the 3-times-a-week Middle Grades SmartBrief newsletter. You may be familiar with SmartBrief, the nation’s premier professional newsletter organization, which also publishes ASCD SmartBrief, Accomplished Teacher SmartBrief, SmartBrief on Ed Tech, NCLE SmartBrief, ELA SmartBrief, NCSS SmartBrief, SmartBrief on Math Education, and many other education reports.
Middle Grades SmartBrief specializes in Grades 4-8 news and resources. We work with SmartBrief editors to shape the content and also contribute our own original resources to every issue. Subscriptions are free, your address is kept confidential, and you can unsubscribe anytime with a single click.
MiddleWeb Substack
MiddleWeb Substack is a twice-monthly, two-topic, five-minute read for middle grades educators, featuring several of MiddleWeb’s most popular and influential articles, a book review, and a noteworthy 4-8 resource or project we’ve spotted. That’s it! See our past newsletters and topics. It’s free! Paid subscribers also receive the full text of one of our most-read articles each week. The income supports our overhead and keeps ads to a minimum.
MiddleWeb/Routledge EOE partnership
Our partnership with Routledge Eye on Education, a subsidiary of the global publisher Taylor & Francis, has published 10 books written by MiddleWeb contributors:
The Genius Hour Guidebook, 2nd Ed. (Denise Krebs & Gallit Zvi),
History Class Revisited (Jody Passanisi).
STEM By Design (Anne Jolly)
The Flexible ELA Classroom (Amber Chandler).
Write. Think. Learn. (Mary Tedrow)
Creating Citizens (Sarah Cooper)
Two Teachers in the Room (Elizabeth Stein)
Close Reading the Media (Frank W. Baker)
It’s a Matter of Fact (Angie Miller)
Working Hard, Working Happy (Rita Platt)
Get Involved with MiddleWeb
From our earliest days we’ve viewed MiddleWeb as as community, and we’d love for you to get involved. Here are several ways you can do that.
1. Write a guest post. Share some of what you know, what you believe, what you hope for. Learn more.
2. Write book reviews. Middle grades educators want to grow professionally but they’re very busy people. Help them invest their professional reading time wisely by reviewing and summarizing worthwhile (and not-so-worthwhile) books in the field. Learn more.
3. Comment on our content. All of our posts are open to comment. We welcome everyone who’s not a spam robot (or human equivalent) to tell us what you think! Our bloggers and article writers love to respond. Please include your name with your comment, and use a civil tone. That’s all we ask!
4. Follow us on X-Twitter and Facebook.
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MiddleWeb does not accept sponsored posts and does not use affiliate links. For example, our book reviews may link to a publisher’s site or to Amazon or B&N, but the links are strictly for the information of the reader. We are not compensated. Publishers provide books for review at no cost to us. In most instances, we pay for the mailing of books to reviewers, although we may request a publisher to ship a book directly to the reviewer to speed up the process (e.g., summer reading). We strive to assure that reviewers provide independent, uncompensated reviews and opinions.
We do accept a limited amount of display advertising for products and services of specific interest to professional educators, including advertising from publishers. This advertising is displayed in our website stories and sidebars in an obvious fashion. MiddleWeb also receives a small percentage of ad revenues produced by Middle Grades SmartBrief, but those ad sales and placements are managed by the SmartBrief company, not MiddleWeb, and are pertinent to the education field.
Our MiddleWeb Substack, launched in 2023, curates some of our best content on a variety of subjects of interest to middle grades (4-8) educators. Subscriptions are free with an option to pay a modest monthly or annual amount if you’d like to support our work.
Contact Us
We’d like to hear from you!
If you’d like to get in touch with us about getting involved with MiddleWeb in some way, just send us an email at the address below.
MiddleWeb LLC
John Croft Norton, Founder & co-editor
Susan B. Curtis, Co-editor
MiddleWeb LLC
9455 Hwy 226A #549
Little Switzerland NC 28749
Contact John & Susan at: ask.middleweb@gmail.com
My husband does a comic strip “Mr. Fitz” that is all about middle school. He has been writing it for 15 years. Please check it out at http://www.mrfitz.com.
We enjoyed sharing the Mr. Fitz story here! Daily Comic Strip Chronicles Teaching Life
thanks for the helpful resource