Category: Meaningful Math
Recently when Michelle Russell noticed that winter had drained the joy from her math classroom, she set out to reignite the glow. Checking with other teachers in person and online, she found tools that work. Trashetball, row games, and buzzer competitions top her new list.
Michelle Russell recently revisited random grouping for her math students and found the environment was much better. Students were talking more together, and there was more work being done during discovery activities and concept practice. Included: a free grouping card site.
Michelle Russell knows the back-to-school rush. So this year she’s found first weeks activities that are low on preparation and high on introducing math, sharing fun, setting the tone for the year, and helping students feel comfortable. Best of all: she shares her favorite finds!
A week into summer break, teacher Michelle Russell looks back at how she adjusted the last weeks of class to lower her stress and make sure she would face less stress in the fall. Included: imposing order on packing away supplies and making time to check in with kids.
To learn why her 11th graders have so much trouble with simple equations, Michelle Russell sat with each one as they attempted to solve two middle school-level problems. Read about the insights she gained and the strategies she’s considering to help them master the basics.
Students are more engaged when they’re talking and moving around, says math teacher Michelle Russell. “I won’t lie – it’s hard. But I believe a louder class that’s somewhat engaged in the concept is better than a quiet one.” She rates three engagement strategies she’s tried.
Michelle Russell starts the year with math activities that refresh skills and show students that her class will be welcoming to those with math anxiety. Multiplication refreshers, coloring books, Polaroids and shooting hoops help develop a supportive community.
Math teacher Michelle Russell remembers her own anxiety each year when the time came to teach statistics to middle schoolers. She shares two fun activities she’s discovered that address 6th and 8th grade standards: cup stacking and the candy grab! Student handouts included.
After trying without success to teach students how to decode word problems, Michelle Russell turned to research. A math journal article pointed to an ELA strategy: visualizing, retelling, making connections, and asking questions. Learn about her promising first experiment.
After 16 years teaching math, Michelle Russell has the confidence to make her own decisions about day-to-day best practices. “I’m the teacher in my classroom, I know my classes and my teaching style, and I’m the one in the position to decide what is best for my students.”