18 Search results

For the term "valencic".

The Art and Science of Teaching Art and Music

Robert Marzano and two colleagues have developed what will surely become the go-to resource for planning, designing, implementing, and assessing teaching art and music, using Marzano’s New Art and Science of Teaching framework, writes curriculum coordinator Alex Valencic.

Connecting Instruction to Student Values

Two-for-One Teaching is an excellent resource for educators who want to help connect what matters most to kids with what matters most to schools. The authors’ flexible strategies will help students learn and grow, writes 21st century curriculum coordinator Alex Valencic.

Happy Kids Don’t Punch You in the Face

In presenting a guide to eliminating aggressive student behavior, Ben Springer finds the perfect balance – sharing practical and compassionate strategies, support for teachers, allowances for imperfection, and opportunities to smile, writes principal and NBCT Rita Platt.

10 Essential Shifts of Teaching Practice

Future-Focused Learning will drive you to think deeply about your instructional practices and consider what you need to change. Alex Valencic likes the book’s focus on what students both need and want to learn and finds it solidly on-target if occasionally frustrating.