Category: Classroom Culture

A UDL Strategy to Help Students Communicate

The negative tone and unkind remarks adolescents use with one another make it tough to develop a classroom sense of community. They won’t learn to communicate appropriately without explicit instruction, write Samantha Layne and Susanne Croasdaile. Learn how UDL strategies help.

Six Quick Tips for Effective Class Norms

It’s not enough to set classroom norms and post them on the wall, says author and instructional coach Geoff Krall. We have to teach them and live by them. Here are some of his strategies for teaching and reflecting on norms in ways that really support student learning.

10 Ways to Build the Trust Kids Need to Learn

It’s difficult to learn from someone we don’t trust, writes literacy consultant Regie Routman. Bonding with individual students and their families builds that trust. Routman offers 10 ways to make sure that none of our students ever become “mostly silent and unseen.”

Don’t Break the Ice, Build Your Community

After years of using the same “icebreaker” activities to get tweens and teens talking to each other and the teacher, ESL educator Walton Burns had an epiphany – icebreakers needed to give way to community building events, tailored specifically for adolescents.

Make a Fresh Start after Winter Break

The first days back after the holiday are a perfect time to strengthen behavior and culture in active classrooms. Libby Woodfin shares text and video tips that teachers can use to make the transition smooth and set the tone for the rest of the school year.

The 5 Craziest Times of the School Year

You know those times where the kids are so spun up that you suspect nothing you say will be remembered tomorrow? You ask yourself, “Why am I even trying to teach today?!” Veteran educator Patti Grayson casts her votes for the most inattentive days of the year.