Category: Back to School

Start 24/25 with Super Ideas from MiddleWeb

Who will be coming in your door this fall? Upper elementary? Slightly older kids who sometimes feel childish and at other times want to be treated as adults? Here are MiddleWeb’s back-to-school strategies from educators that can help make all of your new students feel welcome!

3 Ways to Relieve Back to School ‘Overwhelm’

In Julie Hasson’s annual back to school dream, she’s trying to organize thousands of rubber ducks in a rushing river. Fortunately she has strategies for dealing with that sense of being overwhelmed. They begin with a well-sorted to-do list and a focus on realistic optimism.

Helping New Teachers Manage Their Students

How can seasoned educators improve teacher retention rates? By helping new colleagues address two retention factors – student behavior and classroom climate – says middle grades veteran Sharon Ratliff. “Let’s show them how to manage their school of fish without being a shark.”

Make AI Work for You as You Prep for Fall

Kathie Palmieri shows how the ChatGPT tool can help launch the new school year with content activities, introductory letters, and more. She also includes tips for using generative AI software to batch-plan lessons for a quarter, trimester, or even designing a year-long plan.

Back in Class: What to Change, What to Keep?

In this unprecedented school year, as teachers and school leaders set goals and decide what to keep and what to change, Lynne Dorfman and Aileen Hower argue that “it is social-emotional learning – not academics – that should be the focus for the first month of school.”

Every Teacher Makes a Difference – Every Day

It’s the start of a new school year, and you’re 100% excited about making a difference for kids! But issues in and out of the classroom can dull your enthusiasm in no time. How do you stay sharp? Barbara Blackburn shares insights to sustain your can-do energy all year long.

Get Ready to SOAR into the New School Year!

A new school year can be filled with excitement – and stress. 5th grade teacher Kathie Palmieri suggests you SOAR into fall as you plan your structure and organization, assess your classroom, review and reset so you and your students can take flight in a welcoming environment.

Summer Me’s Joys Make Way for September

As summer flirts with Labor Day, Laurie Lichtenstein recalls the joys of being her “Summer Me” – a time for long walks and paddling trips, reading books and ignoring lists. As school dreams begin again, she relishes her last August days and plans for another great year.

In the New School Year: Simplify, Unify, Multiply

A new school year brings excitement and organizational challenges. Expert Frank Buck suggests ways to streamline online communications, simplify classroom policies through teacher collaboration, and help kids develop as responsible members of a purposeful community.