Category: mathematics

Math Workshop in Action: Strategies for Gr K-5

Nicki Newton’s comprehensive book guides educators through setting up a Math Workshop, beginning with creating a community of learners in a math-rich classroom. Linda Biondi likes her “practical and specific ways to become the math teacher you always wanted to be.”

Authentic Math Modeling in Middle School

Nancy Butler Wolf addresses how teachers can help middle schoolers solve authentic math problems, stressing rich tasks and converting textbook problems into challenging learning. Maia Fastabend recommends the book to newer teachers and those seeking clarity.

Meeting the Challenge of Teaching Fractions

Jerry Burkhart’s Advanced Common Core Math Explorations: Fractions Grades 5-8 can change middle graders’ attitude about fractions from consternation to curiosity and “produce true knowledge of the essence of all types of fractions,” says teacher Karen Bloom.

Involving Math Students in Formative Assessment

Bringing Math Students into the Formative Assessment Equation is in a league of its own by focusing solely on the middle level math educator who wants to write effective learning targets. Educator Maia Fastabend already plans to employ some of the book’s tools.

Well Played: Building Mathematical Thinking

Why play games in math class? The authors of Well Played have the answers, as well as classroom-tested games and puzzles detailing objectives, assessment tips, differentiation ideas and more. Teacher Linda Biondi also likes the suggested online game resources.

Beyond “Unpacking” the Math Common Core

Common Core Sense: Tapping the Power of the Mathematical Practices supports the incorporation & implementation of the Mathematical Practices into daily teaching. It features real teachers, real examples, and real student reflections, says reviewer Linda Biondi.

Get Kids Thinking with Talks about Math

Educator Jennifer Underwood reports Making Number Talks Matter is an excellent read for all math teachers. The book explains both how to do math talks and why these talks are an important means of helping all students become confident mathematical thinkers.

Number Talks Will Deepen Understanding

Making Number Talks Matter guides teachers in implementing frequent 15-minute conversations that help students make sense of math relationships and apply strategies to manipulate numbers mentally. Reviewer Jennifer Druffel is planning Number Talks in her classroom next year.

Understanding How Kids Think about Math

Math teachers wondering how their students came up with wrong answers will find lots to use in Children’s Mathematics: Cognitively Guided Instruction. Videoed children explain their solutions and so reveal teaching insights, says reviewer Maia Fastabend.

Help Students Develop a Sense of Numeracy

Lessons and Activities for Building Powerful Numeracy is not a quick-to-read resource, but it is ready to use. Reviewer Lynne Menechella finds it “a great, thorough book for…teachers who would like to have their students develop better number sense.”