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The Keys to Shaping Your School’s Reputation

Leadership consultants Ronald Williamson and Barbara R. Blackburn identify the essentials in shaping a school’s reputation and suggest ways the principal, teachers and staff can assure their school has a positive image among students and families and in the community at large.

Book Talk Videos Let Peers Encourage Peers

“Ultimately book talk videos recorded by peers are beneficial if we want to inspire middle grades reluctant readers. They need to witness peers having fun with books. It nurtures the idea that reading is worth a try.” School librarian Kristen Day shares how her “EGGs” are doing it.

Calendar Activities Add Spice to Spring Classes

Incorporating the odd and unusual into everyday instruction can capture students’ attention. And middle graders do enjoy knowing something bizarre! Anne Anderson shares calendar celebrations (Artichoke Day?) from March, April and May to surprise them. Teaching ideas included.

Build Trauma-Sensitive School Leadership

Students continue to struggle with the effects of trauma from the pandemic and their lives outside of school. To help school communities support healing and growth, four authors suggest strategies and policies based in research and their own experiences, writes Brenda Yoho.

Useful Teacher’s Guide to Multimodal Composition

If you want to expand your students’ modes of writing (whether or not you use writer’s workshop) Angela Stockman’s book offers great information and insight, says Megan Balduf, including the details of multimodal composition and appendices filled with powerful instruction.

Revamp Book Clubs to Deepen Comprehension

Sara Kugler’s Better Book Clubs offers teachers a valuable resource that supports authenticity and independence in book clubs, helping students deepen comprehension and elevate their conversation. Anne Anderson outlines the book’s take on scaffolding, grouping, and more.

Team Leaders Use Clear Parameters to Build Trust

Whether you’re a principal facilitating a change initiative or a teacher leader facilitating a content-level team, it’s essential to set clear parameters with adult learners upfront so that neither goals, nor trust, nor people’s hard work is compromised. Elisa MacDonald shows how.