801 Search results

For the term "Другие результаты с сайта www.forum.zodiack.ru детальнее bit.ly/psy3000".

Freeing Students to Write What They Know

In an era of ‘writing to text’ and responding to prompts, students may not eagerly respond to our invitations to “write free!” ELA teacher and cartoonist David Lee Finkle uses an interest based mapping strategy to convince his writers they have something worth writing about.

Leading Genius Hour with 2 Middle Schoolers

When his two middle schoolers wondered about a tree house, principal Matt Renwick’s bright idea was to engage them in an at-home Genius Hour project. His three take-aways from the experience can help us understand the teacher’s role in creative learning and risk-taking.

Boost Literacy Learning with Podcasts Kids Love

Similar to the benefits of class read-alouds and independent reading, podcasts can be incorporated as a way to increase students’ understanding of stories and information, with kids often making “text to self” connections. Kathie Palmieri includes sources and favorites.

How to Audit Your K-12 Literacy Curriculum

Evaluating the K-12 Literacy Curriculum is a valuable resource for facilitating teams through the overwhelming yet vital task of auditing programs, materials and instructional approaches, writes educator Abby Markley, noting its user friendly organization.

Roadside Assistance from the District Office

As school leaders navigate challenging times, roadside assistance from higher-ups can be invaluable. Award-winning middle school principal Jessica Cabeen shares five practices she’s developed to make sure the paths of communication and support stay open now and in the future.

Cris Tovani: Use These 6Ts to Deepen Learning

Teacher, author and adolescent literacy consultant Cris Tovani guides us through her 6Ts (Topic, Target, Task, Text, Time, and Tending) as she tells the story of her first virtual literacy workshop – with 7th graders who are studying the Sahara Desert. Engagement? CYA!

Nurturing Truth-Seeking Communities in School

Over the life of our nation, history has been recorded from a singularly white perspective. Pablo Wolfe, Mary Ehrenworth and Marc Todd suggest ways we can create truth-seeking communities in our schools and “inoculate our students against the viral spread of falsehood.”