444 Search results

For the term "North Bellport City ".

Use Podcasting to Teach Fluency, Explore Genre

Middle schoolers encounter and process information in ever-changing ways, writes teacher Jason DeHart, who uses podcasting opportunities in his ELA classroom to teach fluency, explore genre, and engage with authors and authentic audiences. Learn about his six-step strategy.

Wellness? Productivity? Meet While You Walk!

Walking meetings are not only a good wellness strategy, they’re great for brain-storming, problem-solving and increasing productivity, writes teacher and school leader Kasey Short. The change in scenery, relaxed atmosphere and movement can be like a “reboot” for body and mind.

Seeing and Celebrating Each Learner’s Gifts

Once teachers see, value, and capitalize on a learner’s unique talents and strengths, it changes the student and it changes us, writes Regie Routman. “Possibilities override limitations. Pride of accomplishment replaces failure. Effort leads to excellence. Joy is present, the best gift of all.”

Moving Past Old-School Definitions of Literacy

“I want to recognize that my students are, in fact, highly literate human beings whose understanding of literacy has been shaped by an age of screens and digital interactions,” writes ELA teacher Jason DeHart. The question becomes, how do we change to meet them where they are?

13 Exciting New Titles for Your Classroom Library

Need fresh titles for your classroom library? ELA teacher Kasey Short shares 13 new books that are sure to resonate with middle graders. These relatable stories offer diverse perspectives and themes that authentically capture the experiences and challenges of today’s students.