34 Search results

For the term "P Giochi Nazionali della Corea del Nord(ωωω,rt33,top)코드b77)butano㉤CiproދIl Re BaccaràЂAnalisi delle SeychellesČCome fare daisai bene⒨slot machineૄcasinò nigerianoϤMetodo di scommessa ladder su entrambi i latiೃ.zfc/".

Using Global Feedback to Build Growth Mindset

Can supportive feedback from a diverse internet audience help students grasp the benefits of a growth mindset? History teacher Tim Kramer believes the answer is yes, after weighing his 6th graders’ work during a project-driven, tech-infused Ancient Egypt unit.

The All-You-Can-Eat Math Resources Buffet

A steady flow of new district teaching resources is creating a more-than-you-can-eat buffet effect for 4th grade teacher Mary Tarashuk. Take the new online math program. Can she manage to put together the right selection of new dishes and old favorites?

The Gr-2 ELA Standard You May Need to Teach

For literacy consultant Sarah Tantillo, Reading Informational Text (RIT) Standard 2.1 is both essential and easy to learn. Yet she suspects many students well beyond Grade 2 haven’t mastered it. She shares a quick technique to teach this high-leverage skill in middle grades.

Teachers Really Need to Work with Families

Relationships are built when children know that caring adults are on their side. If teachers team up with parents and families, they can help create success for even the most difficult students. Amber Chandler shares the strategies that work in her MS classroom.

Climbing Reading Ladders

Teacher Mark A. Domeier likes the concept behind Teri Lesesne’s reading ladders in Reading Ladders: Leading Students from Where They Are to Where We’d Like Them to Be, but he says they’ll have to be adapted to the realities of middle school class size.