Tagged: Alphabet Publishing

Bringing Drama Alive: Lessons and Scripts

The Drama Book a great resource for introducing drama into the ELA classroom, especially for inexperienced teachers who are unsure how to best tackle it. It offers practical teaching advice and amazing lesson plans, writes middle school teacher Erin Corrigan-Smith.

13 Activities to Teach Teamwork Skills

Successful Group Work can help teachers provide structure within groups of students to help classrooms run more smoothly, says teacher Stacey Knighton. It’s most likely to be useful to a beginning teacher or someone just starting to do collaborative team work.

50 Activities for the First Day of School

Walton Burns’ easy-to-use book can help teachers find creative ways to accomplish the necessary and often mundane tasks that come with the start of school. Renee Bogacz notes most of often engaging activities can be adapted for any subject area or grade level.