Tagged: education

Solving Challenges Teachers Face Now

Discover solutions to common class and school challenges in Education Write Now, Volume III, which brings together the expertise of ten writers. It’s a perfect book for right now as teachers deal with extra stress and search for quick and effective solutions, writes Linda Biondi.

An Action Guide to Design Thinking

Making the case to move from best practices to design thinking in schools, Alyssa Gallagher and Kami Thordarson provide a clear, concise guide to the steps of the design thinking process. Teacher leader Laura Von Staden recommends their book to all educators.

Give Kids Focused, Fast and Effective Feedback

When it comes giving students feedback, our approach can be formal or informal, low-tech or high-tech, writes teacher educator Curtis Chandler. The important thing is that we are constantly observing and offering guidance. As always, Curtis shares lots of practical tips.

Introducing Music to All – In All of Our Schools

Frank Buck remembers the joy of playing the Tonette with 4th grade classmates. Today, any teacher with access to a set of iPads and a free app can introduce all students to elements of music, enjoy the kids’ hands-on sound experiments, and build engagement and a more vibrant classroom culture.

A Powerful Teaching Model

This powerful guide for PK-8 educators, Interactive Modeling: A Powerful Technique for Teaching Children by Margaret Berry Wilson, can help improve our teaching of essential academics, social skills, routines and behaviors, says reviewer Linda Biondi.