Tagged: teacher motivation

What Is Your Teacher Superhero Origin Story?

Like superheroes, every teacher has an origin story that imbues them with powers, prowess and, most important, purpose. Reminding ourselves not only why but HOW we came to be teachers can help us better see the struggles and potential of our students, writes Dr. Daniel Bergman.

6 Ways School Leaders Can Grow Teacher Trust

When trust is present, people are generally more productive, more satisfied with their work, and less likely to search for a new job. Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn share six research-based strategies leaders can use to build a trusting, collaborative school community.

5 Things I’ll Remember When I Feel Unmotivated

Like many teachers during last year’s “post-Covid” return to school, middle school veteran Sarah Cooper slipped into the fog and funk and wondered if the joy in teaching was gone for good. Here’s how she wrenched herself through the dark time and found her groove again.

School Change Begins with Teacher Motivation

By creating an environment that kindles intrinsic motivation, and ensures that the professionals in our schools see the value of the work and chance for success, we can increase teachers’ support for and willingness to change, say the authors of Rigor in Your School.