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Reclaim the Joy in Education This Fall

Debbie Silver and Jack Berckemeyer have updated Deliberate Optimism to help educators resolve unsustainable stress levels by adapting their immediately implementable ideas for making each school day better. Written with humor and practicality, says teacher leader Sarah Cooper.

Boost Students’ Skills and Passion for Reading

To teach students to master standards while also cultivating a love of reading, Laura Robb offers new ideas and resources and a new outlook on old practices in Increase Reading Volume. It is exactly what teachers need for their reading blocks, says literacy leader Sarah Valter.

How UDL Can Help Us Elevate Our CoTeaching

The reality of teaching in a co-teacher role was sometimes a rough ride, writes author and co-teaching coach Elizabeth Stein. Three things helped keep her strong, and one of them proved to be the key to solving all her co-teaching puzzles: the Universal Design for Learning.

5 Things I’ll Remember When I Feel Unmotivated

Like many teachers during last year’s “post-Covid” return to school, middle school veteran Sarah Cooper slipped into the fog and funk and wondered if the joy in teaching was gone for good. Here’s how she wrenched herself through the dark time and found her groove again.