127 Search results

For the term "Расстановки личные Skype Zoom Телеграму Вотсапу Расстановки по Хеллингеру запись на расстановку skype:amt777".

Fun Virtual Field Trips to Try This Winter

No funding for field trips? Concerns about travel safety? Consider taking your students on a virtual adventure instead. Teacher-authors Billy Krakower, Jerry Blumengarten, and Paula Naugle share four of their favorites and offer plenty of other ideas!

The 5 Craziest Times of the School Year

You know those times where the kids are so spun up that you suspect nothing you say will be remembered tomorrow? You ask yourself, “Why am I even trying to teach today?!” Veteran educator Patti Grayson casts her votes for the most inattentive days of the year.

How to Teach Memoir in the Middle Grades

Educators may be reluctant to try memoir writing with middle grades students, but the rewards are considerable, says 8th grade teacher-author Jake Wizner. He shares three insights that can help guide teachers as they enrich the student writing experience.

Write Now! Kate Messner on Teachers & Writing

Kate Messner’s 59 Reasons to Write helps teachers who want to write get started and keep at it. Educator Kevin Hodgson reports every chapter is knee deep in advice from Messner and other teachers and writers. And the book is packed with opportunities to write.

The 5 Best Times to Use Technology in Class

Much of the ISTE discussion this year focused on the best ways to use technology effectively, says MS teacher and tech enthusiast Patti Grayson. To celebrate, Grayson offers 5 examples from her own classroom of the best times to bring out the digital tools.