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How We Can Assure Rigor in Our Lessons

What does instructional rigor look like in the middle school classroom? Teaching consultant and bestselling author Barbara Blackburn offers examples of lessons that reach for the top of Bloom’s and DoK – in social studies, math, electives, the arts, English/ELA, and science.

Edupreneurs Share Their Side-Career Tips

In The Edupreneur’s Side Hustle Handbook Lisa Dunnigan, Tosha Wright and eight other educators relate how they’ve followed their passions, traveled a more challenging path, and developed profitable side gigs with success. Laura Von Staden recommends this easy-to-use book.

A Rough Draft Mindset Boosts Math Learning

Using rough drafts and revision in middle school math class can reduce anxiety and boost math learning. Kathleen Taylor and Amanda Jansen relate an action research project aimed at shifting lessons from a process of task completion to one of continuous, ongoing learning.

18 of Our ‘Long Reads’ You Probably Missed

Did the sheer exhaustion of teaching in 2021-22 cause you to take a pass on some good but long MiddleWeb articles? Here are 18 insightful posts covering a wide range of topics that you might want to look over, in the calm before the next storm.

Center Your Students with Literacy Workshop

From a drawing to a book, Maria Walther and Karen Biggs-Tucker trace a 5th grader’s growing creativity, curiosity and individuality. Discover their innovative ways to streamline literacy instruction while offering students opportunities to follow individualized learning paths.

What Leaders Can Do to Prepare for 2021-2022

As school leaders begin typical summer work, they will need to include recovery strategies that identify effects of the pandemic and address emerging issues. Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn share key areas of focus to help teachers and students thrive in the new normal.

Carrying Forward Our Lessons About Teaching

Each educator braving the gauntlet of Covid-era teaching has been stressed and stretched to wits’ end. It’s time to collect the payoff from this strenuous work. Curtis Chandler relates 5 questions teachers asked themselves during the crisis. “If we begin the new school year with solid answers, we’ll be rewarded.”