1175 Search results

For the term "Best Agility Writer Review by Reyman Cruz".

ChatGPT Is No Threat to a Learning Community

If we teach writing right, we’ll be fine with our kids having access to ChatGPT, says ENL/ELA teacher Dina Strasser. ChatGPT is a machine, following a formula. “It is not a student in a learning community.” She shares several instructional strategies to AI-proof your classroom.

Trauma-Informed Support for Grieving Students

Brittany Collins, the founder of Grief-Responsive Teaching, has taken her own personal experience as a grieving student and skillfully woven it together with knowledge of pedagogical practices and extensive research on navigating loss. For all educators, writes Sara Coppola.

Middle Schoolers Love to Write Flash Fiction

The flash fiction format is engaging, appealing, and motivating to students and to teachers, precisely because of its brevity, accessibility, and manageability, writes teacher/author Linda Rief. “For the first time I am finding joy in hearing and reading my students’ fiction.”

Calendar Activities Add Spice to Spring Classes

Incorporating the odd and unusual into everyday instruction can capture students’ attention. And middle graders do enjoy knowing something bizarre! Anne Anderson shares calendar celebrations (Artichoke Day?) from March, April and May to surprise them. Teaching ideas included.

Infusing More Math into Our Thematic Teaching

5th grade teacher Kathie Palmieri has been exploring ways to better infuse mathematics in other subject areas and help students gain a more positive attitude about math’s central place in their lives. She shares some ideas about SEL and two examples from her science lessons.

15 Ways to Teach and Learn with Sticky Notes

“In my classroom, sticky notes earn top honors for Best Multipurpose Teaching Tool,” writes literacy teacher Kelly Owens. She displays 15 ways to use the tacky squares to chunk large tasks into manageable clusters and empower students to contemplate, coordinate, and connect.

Useful Teacher’s Guide to Multimodal Composition

If you want to expand your students’ modes of writing (whether or not you use writer’s workshop) Angela Stockman’s book offers great information and insight, says Megan Balduf, including the details of multimodal composition and appendices filled with powerful instruction.