496 Search results

For the term "임실천안출장만남(TALK:kn39)안양콜걸".

What We Can Do When Gifted Students Struggle

In middle school some gifted students find themselves lost in an urban maze without sufficient navigational support. GT facilitator Sharon Ratliff shares some teaching techniques and conversational strategies that can help them stay on the road that leads to academic success.

Structure Feedback to Affirm Student Identity

When teachers effectively implement feedback to make success visible to students, achievement increases and stronger relationships result. Educator and author Miriam Plotinsky suggests having a clear, written set of expectations for assignments and avoiding the “feedback hole.“

6 Ways to Help Students Soak Up Difficult Texts

To make sure social studies content reading is accessible to all of her students, no matter their level of reading when they arrive, Megan Kelly has added strategies to her literacy toolbox to create entry points for everyone. See the six activities she’s developed so far.

Rewiring Student Brains for Class Discussions

Many teachers are intrigued by the Socratic method but worry “it won’t work with my students.” A Socratic seminar calls on ALL the big executive skills. Patricia Cook and Susanne Croasdaile found that we don’t need to wait until they’re all “ready” – we can just dive in! 

How to Build Alliances in Your Local Communities

Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn describe ways leaders can effectively advocate for schools by developing strategic alliances with local officials, internal groups in schools and external groups in the community. It can be time consuming but definitely worth the effort!

Keys to Fostering Joy in Your Classroom

The more Kasey Short considers joy when planning lessons and responding to students, the more everyone enjoys time together and the more they learn. Her joyful tools include celebrating, sharing ‘fun’ texts, students choosing music, moving indoors and out, laughing, and more.

Empowering Kids to Help Make School Decisions

If schools are always being “held” accountable, asks leadership coach and veteran principal Matt Renwick, how will students ever learn to “be” accountable? When do they get to make important choices that affect others and themselves? Three shifts can change the paradigm.

An Enhanced Edition of ‘When Kids Can’t Read’

Literacy coach Pam Hamilton finds lots to like in Kylene Beers’ latest version of When Kids Can’t Read – What Teachers Can Do. The second edition keeps some of her favorite features from the original and adds many new kid-tested ideas to help teachers reach all their students.

Tools to Help Students Lessen Memory Overload

With so many daily classes, the working memories of adolescents get overloaded. Their evolving brains have not yet developed fluent coping strategies. To teach students to handle all the inflow, two experts share UDL strategies that build executive function and self-regulation.