32 Search results

For the term "L クリスマス島の試合〈ωωω,RT33,TOP〉코드b77〉カメルーンサッカーড়cfパチュカ㍇スタートトートサイト⇘パワーはしごオートプログラム🔳キリバスサッカーĨベリーズカジノ…アジアカジノῇレソト国家戦⊺.pet/".

How and Why to Mentor Student Teachers

Doug Robertson offers meaningful, practical advice on how to insure that having or being a student teacher benefits both sides. In addition to plentiful laughs, teacher-librarian and former mentor Rita Platt finds useful tips on many aspects of having a student teacher.

Teachers Really Need to Work with Families

Relationships are built when children know that caring adults are on their side. If teachers team up with parents and families, they can help create success for even the most difficult students. Amber Chandler shares the strategies that work in her MS classroom.

Using Grammar to Build Better Writers

In “Grammar Matters,” Lynne Dorfman and Diane Dougherty make the case for embedding grammar in Writing Workshop and across the curriculum. Our reviewer recommends this hands-on exploration of mentor texts and engaging instruction and its many useful resources.

10 Things I Learned Sitting in a Classroom

A week of sitting in a teaching seminar has left Sarah Cooper inspired but also thoughtful about how students experience daily classroom life. “I felt new empathy for having to follow teachers’ instructions all day long.” Read her 10 takeaways.

Nonfiction Lessons to Use Now

Nancy Akhavan builds her nonfiction strategies and routines into fully realized lessons to help students develop higher level comprehension across content areas, says reviewer Sandy Wisneski.