792 Search results

For the term "ДИЗАЙН ЧЕЛОВЕКА Виктория Джем Топовый Эксперт Дизайн Человека Human Design metahd.ru".

3 Keys to Keeping the Rigor High for ELs

ELs are capable of doing the same kind of thinking that non-ELs can do. They might just have to temporarily show their understanding differently than their peers do. EL teacher Tan Huyhn shows how teachers can focus on the ELs’ thinking and differentiate everything else.

Using Arts Integration to Spark Engagement

Finding techniques to engage students in the learning process is critical for school success. Engaging Creative Minds, a city-based non-profit, facilitates teamwork among artists, scientists and teachers to create lessons that target challenging academics in lively ways.

Fostering Creativity and Innovation in Class

Jonathan Plucker’s book is for teachers and administrators who want to extend their understanding of creativity beyond the surface level and to rethink how their schools can better support their students as creative thinkers, writes teacher Claire Reddig.

Bring Focus and Fun to Academic Vocabulary

Sometimes learning can get lost in a maze of academic vocabulary. As students move through the school day, they encounter hundreds of terms/concepts in a variety of contexts and content areas. How to help? Curtis Chandler shares lots of options for ELA and ELL teachers.

Honing Our Questions to Deepen History Learning

To foster social studies students who are more curious, collaborative and invested, Katie McGrath worked with a district team to hone essential questions and develop a process of “micro-progression” that leads each student to understanding. Steps and examples included!