496 Search results

For the term "춘천콜걸춘천출장안마(TALK:kn39)".

10 Genius Picture Books for Genius Hour Kids

Picture books make for great hooks at the beginning of lessons – capturing our attention and get us curious for the learning to come. They can also be perfect tools for introducing Genius Hour concepts. GH evangelists Gallit Zvi and Denise Krebs choose 10 favorites.

Leading Growth Mindset Schools and Districts

Librarian and NBCT Amy Klein teaches in a growth mindset school and finds Creating a Growth Mindset School by Mary Cay Ricci a perfect book for administrators who want to better understand how growth mindset works, how to establish such a school, and how to sustain it.

Sustainable Self-Care for Funny Educator People

How do teachers recharge regularly? Rather than mediation and exercise, Rita Platt finds what works for her is getting a daily dose of “gut-busting laughter.” And guess what? Laughing as self-care is a scientifically proven strategy! She offers laugh inducing resources.

Teaching Climate Change in the Middle Grades

Facilitating science-based research around real world problems empowers students through the skills they acquire and the subject knowledge they gain, says teacher Angela Duke. And what better topic than climate change? “The environment of the future will be theirs to live in.”

Building Comprehension Using Leveled Texts

Jennifer Serravallo’s new book will help teachers become more cognizant of their students’ literacy needs and better prepared to meet those needs effectively. Reviewer and preservice coach Linda Biondi praises Serravallo’s student-centered approach to book leveling.

Frameworks Jump-Start Your Students’ Writing

Students can become thriving writers using the 27 frameworks included in this book. The lessons provide learning about language, learning through language, and using language to learn about self. Literacy coach Pam Hamilton highly recommends the “so, so practical” book.