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How to Debug a STEM Lesson Plan

Expert Anne Jolly suggests a running assessment of your STEM lessons as the new school year begins to make sure your students are engaged, working well in teams, and involved in engineering solutions to meaningful problems. Try her Lesson Plan Debugger!

This Year, Control Your Day the Easy Way

Make no mistake says productivity expert Frank Buck, how well we bring our vision for the school year to fruition rests upon the things we do on a daily basis. Getting organized by going digital is the overwhelmed educator’s best hope. Buck recommends Toodledo.

A Superior Guide to Project Based Learning

Each unit of Heather Wolpert-Gawron’s latest Project Based Learning book is filled with innovative ideas and detailed steps to implement rich PBL units. Sandy Wisneski, lead teacher in a PBL school, says the book’s guides and resources will engage students.

A Possible Introductory Ed Leadership Text

Karen L. Sanzo’s book offers ideas for changing the paradigm of leadership development through the use of practical and useful tools that are not difficult to implement. Also see how others are implementing leadership programs, says reviewer Margaret Jones-Carey.

10 Lessons about Life, Literacy and Learning

Literacy consultant Regie Routman’s determination to interact meaningfully with her teen granddaughter led her to take up tennis again. Her 10 takeaways apply to life on the court and in the classroom, including the value of joy and the necessity for follow-through.

Building a Common Core-Based Curriculum

Susan Udelhofen’s discussion of mapping is very useful for identifying the process of curriculum building, with each step outlined in sufficient detail to provide clear and explicit direction. Kathy Foster recommends it to any district developing its curriculum.

Effective Differentiation in Grades 7 and Up

Educators who read “Best Practices at Tier 1” will look at curriculum differently, says ELA teacher Mark Domeier. With its tight focus on grades 7-12, the book clarifies how differentiation can work in classes characterized by student collaboration and group work.

Use PBL to Role-Play in the Real World

We always hear about the “real world” vs. the world in school. Project Based Learning helps to break down that barrier and better merges the two. It’s also undeniably engaging and lures kids into rigorous learning, as in Heather Wolpert-Gawron’s “Invention Unit.”