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Connected Professional Learning

Educators looking for ways to become more connected to other educators using digital tools will find plenty of meat in The Connected Educator: Learning and Leading in a Digital Age, says reviewer Fran Lo.

Banishing Boredom

Teacher librarian Lorri Kingan recommends Bryan Harris’s book, Battling Boredom – 99 Strategies to Spark Student Engagement, and its clever, simple-to-implement strategies to all teachers looking for ways to promote active student learning.

A Powerful Teaching Model

This powerful guide for PK-8 educators, Interactive Modeling: A Powerful Technique for Teaching Children by Margaret Berry Wilson, can help improve our teaching of essential academics, social skills, routines and behaviors, says reviewer Linda Biondi.

ESL Instruction That Works

Minding the Achievement Gap One Classroom at a Time by Jane E. Pollock, Sharon M. Ford and Margaret M. Black is a great resource for implementing Classroom Instruction That Works strategies for ESL/ELL students, says ESL teacher Julie Dermody.