Tagged: competence

The Essential Traits of School Leader Credibility

Fisher and Frey’s “Leader Credibility” provides a roadmap to strengthening leadership skills. It outlines traits of those who engage, inspire and transform and offers guidance on the essentials of trust, competence, dynamism, forward thinking and more, says Cathy Gassenheimer.

Motivating All Kids to Engage in Math Class

Calling on her background as a researcher specializing in authentic math for all students, Ilana Seidel Horn provides detailed explanations of why detached students resist engagement and offers thoughtful responses that teachers in any subject can use, says reviewer Patti Mosko.

Managing Learning in the Active Classroom

Management in the Active Classroom is a unique behavior-oriented resource. Few other books offer specific strategies that help the teacher provide structure while still honoring the dignity of every student. Jodi and Matt Renwick recommend it for every school.

A How-to Book on Social Emotional Learning

Helping students build intrinsic motivation is at the center of Larry Ferlazzo’s Building a Community of Self-Motivated Learners, says reviewer Joanne Bell. The book “is peppered with tons of helpful websites, references and technology ideas that I can’t wait to use.”

Intrinsic Motivation Helps Learners Thrive

Helping students build intrinsic motivation is at the center of Larry Ferlazzo’s Building a Community of Self-Motivated Learners, says reviewer Laura Von Staden. Topics include classroom management, sparking interest in ELA, transfer of skills, and healthy lifestyle.